
Colin Kaepernick Wore Socks Featuring Cartoon Pigs Dressed As Police

Photos from 49ers training camp on August 10 show Kaepernick wearing socks that depict cops as pigs.


The use of force by police against African-Americans in cities from Ferguson, Missouri, to Baltimore and NY has sparked periodic and sometimes destructive protests over the past two years and spawned a movement called Black Lives Matter. I’ve never had to deal with prejudice because of the color of my skin, and for me to say I can relate to what you’ve gone through is as ignorant as someone who’s never been in a combat zone telling me they understand what it’s like to go to war. “Most people here do have a connection to the military, whether if they served themselves or have close friends or family who have served”.

The San Francisco Police Officers Association is not taking his comments lightly, and sent a strongly-worded letter to the NFL Commissioner’s office after Kaepernick made his comments. They are put in place by the government. What’s really going on in this country. So that’s something that this country has to change.

Schlosser called Kaepernick a “First Amendment success story” because his actions had generated important public conversations. Kaepernick is playing at the highest level of professional football and has been exposed to many positive things in his life thanks to the freedoms that were defended for him and every other American. He also wore a Fidel Castro T-shirt and a Malcolm X hat last week.

“It just seems silly to me that we’re talking about a dude exercising his free speech rights, especially when it’s very clear we do have a problem in our country with police killing black Americans”.

Now, in this report by CBS Sports, it appears that Kaepernick is making another statement against law enforcement. Instead of painting all police officers in a bad light, Kaepernick should be attempting to find ways to build upon the good police work done by many officers across the country.

The San Francisco 49ers quarterback sparked controversy during the NFL’s preseason by sitting instead of standing during the “Star-Spangled Banner”.


Here is what he told the team’s beat writers about Clinton at the Sunday media session, where he announced he would sit for the national anthem. Suffice to say, this is not a topic that is going away any time soon.

Watch: Inside the 49ers -- Will Colin Kaepernick stay with San Francisco?