
Suddenly unsure on immigration, Trump trying to clear up conflicting messages

Those not supporting Trump think Trump’s position as never allowing deported illegal immigrants to return at all.


Now, in the latest apparent turnaround, his surrogates insisted Sunday that Trump remains as committed as ever to maintaining the integrity of America’s borders.

Trump spoke at Des Moines, Iowa during Republican Sen.

He said all people in the United States illegally would have “only one route” to gain legal status ifTrump were to win the November 8 presidential election: “To return home and apply for re-entry”.

Trump has made illegal immigration and his call for a wall along the U.S. -Mexico border a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. With Trump’s big immigration speech in Arizona set for later this week, Ma said, “The expectation should be that, as president, he should be able to articulate the policies in a clear manner so that we understand what. he wants to do in terms of the direction of the country as it relates to immigration policy”.

Many Trump supporters may see a difference between their position and that of their candidate. “We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them across, back across the border”.

Some days Trump says he wants to enforce existing law, without seeming to understand what it says-like when he promised to “expedite” the reentry process for “fantastic people” who reside here illegally but self deport to their native country to apply for residency (in fact, they’d be banned for up to 10 years).

Republican rivals scoffed at the sheer unfeasibility of his proposal – leading Trump to cite the model of the 1954 “Operation Wetback” under President Dwight Eisenhower, which rounded up thousands of undocumented immigrants from US fields and ranches, bused them to detention centers, and sent them back to Mexico, first by airlift, and then by cargo boat – a journey that was widely denounced as inhumane. “And Mexico will pay for the wall”. But when he announced his “pivot” on immigration last week, some of his supporters voiced displeasure about his move away from that tough stance – some even saying his plan now sounds very similar to those he defeated for the nomination.

“He’s going to go after the most unsafe criminals first, then the less risky criminals second”, Giuliani said.

Now, Trump may have added a new piece to the puzzle: creating – for some of the undocumented but not all – a path to earned legal status or citizenship.

On Tuesday however, Trump suggested during a taped town hall hosted by Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he might be open to letting some of the undocumented immigrants living in the US stay.

Trump is widely loathed in Mexico for calling migrants from the country “rapists” among other insults. “I think Kellyanne is doing a phenomenal job”, he said, referring to Trump’s new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway.

“FAIR has long advocated that while we need security at the border, including fencing in key strategic areas, we also need to give people a strong reason not to come across that border illegally in the first place”, he explains.

“I guess it depends on which day you ask”, Mr. It’s a very, very hard thing.

The undocumented population in the United States is estimated at about 11 million people.

“We will have a mechanism for dealing with people in this country that – you heard the word ‘humanely.’ It will be fair and tough, but there will be no path to legalization and citizenship unless people leave the country”, the in governor said. “You can’t take 11 [million] at one time and just say, ‘Boom, you’re gone'”.

Once the initial deportations of undocumented workers who are criminals occur, he said, “then we can talk”.


He says, “Not going to happen with me folks”.

Trump's immigration muddle He's'softening without actually moderating and confusing everyone