
Hillary Clinton has 2.8-point lead over Donald Trump — UPI/CVoter poll

The latest weekly Rasmussen Reports national survey shows Trump with 40 percent, with Clinton at 39 percent.


The voters most likely to vote a straight party line include African Americans (42%), Republicans (37%), and those who describe themselves as “very conservative” (36%).

The third-party candidates are also making dents in the polls, with Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson at 7 percent and Green Party nominee Jill Stein at 3 percent.

An ongoing analysis by FiveThirtyEight gives Clinton a 74 percent chance of winning in November. A majority of female voters (71 percent) said they trust Ms. Clinton to do a better job on women’s access to reproductive health services compared to 20 percent who said they trust Mr. Trump.

According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, the Democratic nominee has a 4.9-point lead over Trump, 46.8 percent to 41.9 percent.

Donald Trump is gaining ground on Hillary Clinton nationally.

The poll found that honesty continues to be an issue for both candidates.

Paris: US Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton would “destabilise the world” if she wins the White House, French far-right leader Martine Le Pen has told CNN. Only 30 percent said Clinton doesn’t deserved to be criticized for this.

Over the course of seven days, the poll’s full sample size, Clinton has gained 1.3 percentage points while Trump has lost 2.2.

According to the poll, the smallest difference between the candidates is on the future of the ACA.


And, Trump now gets the nod from voters on protecting the country from terrorism (41/40 percent), handling the economy (42/40 percent) and being honest and trustworthy (33/27 percent) when Clinton had the advantage on those traits in July.

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