
Gowdy wants Clinton to answer ‘all questions’ on Benghazi

Clinton has said the probe into her emails is political, but Gowdy said his committee isn’t looking into her emails – it was simply through his Benghazi investigation that the private server became known.


Most of Hillary Clinton’s explanations about her private email server have “proven to be false”, says Benghazi Select Committee Chairmain Trey Gowdy, and that’s the only reason he’s still talking to the press about it.

“I don’t know whether you do yoga or not – I don’t, so I don’t have any yoga emails”, said Gowdy about Hillary’s claim that most of the emails scrubbed clean from her server were about yoga and her daughter’s wedding. He added that he hopes the Federal Bureau of Investigation turns the server over to the inspector general when they are through with their investigation.

“Mr. Chairman, Secretary Clinton signed a statement over the weekend, declaring under penalty of perjury that she has turned over to the government all of the emails that were federal records”, she said. It’s about time. We asked her to do that in March to an independent detached third party. All related to her public records.

When asked if he believes Clinton’s lying, Gowdy said, “I don’t use the word lie, I’d just tell you it’s false”. Whether she’s terribly mistaken a lot, or whether there’s an intent to deceive, I’m not smart enough to answer that question.

However, thousands of pages of her emails publicly released in recent months show she received messages later marked classified, including some that contained material regarding the production and dissemination of U.S. intelligence information.

“I won’t play politics with national security…” “We would be much further down this road at this time”. I get that she’s frustrated.

They’ll either “look in the mirror” and engage in self-reflection, he said, or they’ll lash out and blame outside forces, like “non-existent right-wing conspiracies”.


“Well, I read that statement and if you read that statement, you know why people hate lawyers as much as they do”, Gowdy said. For telling us the public rec was complete and then we found 15 e-mails she never turned over to the State Department. “If she’s going to insist in that she’s only coming once, I’m going to insist in that once be fully constructed, which means she’s going to be there for a while”.

Gowdy Says Clinton Testimony Could Take 'A While'