
Walk With Your Buddy in Pokemon Go

Whether you’re waiting for a rare Pokemon to spawn or waiting to reach the next PokeStop, you’re going to have plenty of downtime, but there is at least one trick that can help you save a few precious seconds.


Speaking of the next Pokemon GO update, it’s said to arrive anytime next week.

Following the implementations of Pokemon GO bans recently, Niantic has taken further steps into making the game more interesting. According to a post on Reddit, some code has been discovered that makes reference to some kind of “Buddy System”. The selected Pokemon can vary in size based on its own height and weight.

The bond will allow you to earn candy for your Buddy Pokemon by walking around, similar to the hatching system. From the looks of the new code lines, players will be rewarded with sweets for walking a set distance with their Pokemon partner.

The code shows four different ways the buddy Pokemon will appear on screen.

However, if one can manage to acquire a Legendary pokemon in his/her travels, “Pokemon Go” players must set the pokemon in the buddy feature to obtain sweets for the pokemon. Since the changes are already in the code, look for the feature to become active in an update soon.


In the meantime, fans will just have to wait patiently for Niantic to add the buddy Pokemon feature, legendary Pokemon, Pokemon trading, and more to Pokemon GO. Although walking Pokemon was a popular feature in HeartGold/SoulSilver, Nintendo did not use the feature in later games.

Pokecoins are used in Pokemon GO to purchase items such as Lucky Eggs and Candies