
Curious radio signal stirs talk of extraterrestrials

The odd signal was observed by astronomers at the RATAN-600 telescope in southern Russian Federation back in 2015, but was only announced this weekend by Paul Gilster of Centauri Dreams.


The most excitable researchers are speculating such a bright signal could have been produced by a radio beacon built by an intelligent civilisation.

“No one is claiming that this is the work of an extraterrestrial civilization, but it is certainly worth further study”, wrote Paul Glister, who covers deep space exploration on the website Centauri Dreams.

If the signal is real, it would have to be extremely powerful in order to reach Earth from the distant HD 164595 star.

The International Academy of Astronautics’s SETI Permanent Committee will discuss the research at a meeting scheduled for September 27, during the 67th International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico. Kardashev Type II refers to a civilization far more advanced than our own.

Shostak noted the discoverers of the signal had not quickly alerted the SETI community to the signal, despite fast alerts being the normal practice and protocol when a signal seemed to be of deliberate and extraterrestrial origin.

Researchers from the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (Seti) are now tracking the area for any similar signals, which could theoretically be an attempt at contact from an alien race.

By comparison, the Allen Telescope Array doesn’t even ask scientists to look at a potential candidate until it has detected a particular signal 12 times.

While the experts have not gone as far as claiming that the freaky signal is the result of an extraterrestrial species, they have said that “permanent monitoring” is essential.

It is possible that the signal was a fluke caused by some local radio transmission or a natural stellar phenomenon, which has turned out to be the case several times during prior “alien signal” detections. But the strength and nature of the signal are unusual enough that scientists are not ruling out many possibilities. Nevertheless, in the community of astronomers and other scientists who use radio telescopes to search the heavens for beacons of life there is considerable excitement about a new signal observed by a facility in Russian Federation. Astronomers also say it’s a long shot the signal again will be detected.

Shostak said he has no idea why it is only being reported on now.


Seth Shostak, scientist at Seti, told The Guardian he’s surprised to barely find out about the signal since his private organization is constantly searching the skies for alien life.

Russian radio telescope SETI has detected some strong signals coming from outer space. Image Source Between Birds of Prey