
Emails Show Major Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied Huma Abedin for Diplomatic Passports

The watchdog group reported this batch included 37 emails that the State Department never received.


The Judicial Watch release comes on the heels of another release earlier this week between Band and Abedin.

But Judicial Watch noted that federal law “strictly limits” such passports to certain individuals, including Foreign Service officers and those “having diplomatic status or comparable status because he or she is traveling overseas to carry out diplomatic duties on behalf of the U.S. Government”. Officials said the request came about because of a humanitarian mission to North Korea. Also on the trip: Band’s brother, Roger, as well as Justin Cooper, a Clinton aide.

‘A diplomatic passport is issued to a Foreign Service officer or to a person having diplomatic status or comparable status because he or she is traveling overseas to carry out diplomatic duties on behalf of the U.S. Government, ‘ the code states.

“Once again Judicial Watch is not telling you the whole story”.

A source said the request got made in advance of President Clinton’s August 2009 trip to North Korea to seek the release of two Americans detained there, Lisa Ling and Euna Lee.

In one exchange in July 2009, Abedin told Hillary Clinton’s scheduler that Bill Clinton “wants to be sure” that Hillary Clinton would be able to see Andrew Liveris, chief executive of Dow Chemical, at an event the next night. “This is a new low even for this right-wing organization that has been going after the Clintons since the 1990s”.

Um, read the email exchange, Hillary.

In one June 2009 exchange involving Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain, senior Clinton Foundation official Doug Band sent a message notifying Abedin that the crown prince was visiting the US and wanted a meeting arranged with then-Secretary of State Clinton.

A month later, Abedin told another State Department official that Bill wanted Hillary to meet with Dow CEO Andrew Liveris, a company that “has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation”.

The flights back and forth to North Korea had been arranged by Band using private planes, one a corporate jet used by the CEO of Dow Chemical Co., and another, the private jet of longtime Democratic donor and philanthropist, Steven Bing. In 2009, it committed to spend more than $10 million to “raise awareness of the global water crisis”. Fitton previously accused Clinton of withholding the documents because they contradicted her 2009 vow to sever ties with the foundation during her time as secretary of state.

Then, there’s an email exchange that starts with Sidney Blumenthal proposing a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in Ireland. Hillary then forwarded the email to Abedin, Band, and aide Cheryl Mills.

“I know there is a lot of smoke, and there is no fire”, she said. “In May, she held a “$100,000-a-plate fundraiser” for Hillary. Abedin served simultaneously at posts in the State Department and Teneo.

Band previously lobbied Department of State officials on behalf of Gilbert Chagoury, another Clinton Foundation donor who was eventually denied entry to the USA due to possible connections to Hamas, the Palestinian terror group.


Abedin arranged what she called “a pull-aside” for Liveris to speak with Hillary Clinton in a private room after she arrived to give a speech, according to the emails, which did not explain the reason for the meeting. This begs the obvious question about why an inappropriately cozy relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the President of the United States is deemed unethical, but the same relationship between the foundation and the Secretary of State or candidate for president were not.

Helpless Hillary