
State Dept. to give AP all Clinton schedules before election

Clinton and McGinty both won women (51/40 and 52/35 respectively) while Trump and Toomey were ahead with men (47/44 and 47/40). According to the recent polls, this lead has gone down from a previous 10- point advantage to a virtual tie.


Like the other national polls, the Reuters/Ipsos poll also bared Clinton neck and neck with Trump.

A Senate supporter of Donald Trump from deeply conservative Louisiana says that the Republican message this campaign season “is pretty good”, but acknowledges that “it may turn out that Mr. Trump is not the messenger” that the party needs. In an open seat in Wisconsin’s eighth district, where GOP Rep. Reid Ribble is retiring, GOP candidate Mike Gallagher holds a 52%-36% lead over the Democratic candidate, Tom Nelson, according to internal polling by Gallagher’s campaign by Public Opinion strategies and the NRCC.

Zeroing in on the numbers of the two leading candidates, Clinton has as statistically important 6-point lead over Trump, 48 to 42 percent among voters.

House Republican candidates in these races and others are working to put more distance between themselves and Trump, and even walk back earlier expressions of support.

Trump has not yet released his August fundraising totals.

Offering insight into her foreign policy, Clinton said “we can’t cozy up to dictators, we have to stand up to them”.

In Denver last month, she brandished a tie at a manufacturing plant and said, ‘I wish Donald Trump could meet all of you and see what you are making here and hear the stories of people who have come together to produce products and create more opportunity for more people’. A little more than half of participants felt their access would remain the same under Clinton, while only 37% felt there wouldn’t be much difference if Trump were president.

“House Democrats’ and the DCCC’s strategy of running a single note, one-size-fits-all campaign is failing, and is just another example of how out of touch they are and why they will continue to flounder in the minority”, Katie Martin, spokeswoman for the NRCC told CNN. They have to work too, ‘ Trump explains.

While Biden repeated throughout the speech that Clinton “gets it” when it comes to the middle class, he largely concentrated on the role of unions in revitalizing the American auto industry.

The Rasmussen poll showed both candidates losing support from their respective parties.

It highlights that the presidential campaign is turning into a fight between an unconventional candidate who likes to take risks and a candidate who runs her campaign by the book, comfortable with offering few, if any, surprises. The Mexican people have bristled at Trump’s heated rhetoric throughout his campaign, and Trump has little experience on the world stage.

Speaking at a rally in Wilmington, Ohio, Trump says that, as president, he would “treat everyone with dignity, respect and compassion”.

Clinton has played a prominent role on health care issues for more than 20 years, since she led the failed effort to pass a bill providing health care for all in her husband’s first presidential term.

Clinton’s campaign began September with $68 million in cash on hand. Outside groups are also starting to ramp up their campaigns on the airwaves.


Clinton, who has an edge in many state and national polls, has been aggressively courting Republicans and independents who won’t vote for Trump but are still discomfited by her campaign.

CNN, NBC set campaign programming for next week