
Casino Amendment to be on Ballot in November

Opponents have asked Arkansas’ highest court to block votes for an initiative to limit damages awarded in medical lawsuits, the second challenge filed against the proposed ballot measure.


Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016 is the measure by Arkansans United for Medical Marijuana which seeks to make medical marijuana use legal under state law.

A proposal to legalize casinos in three Arkansas counties was approved for the November ballot on Thursday, with critics warning the move would allow a private company to give itself a constitutionally protected gambling monopoly in the state.

“We followed all the rules and took the proper legal paths to get the amendment on the ballot”, Chase Dugger, executive director of Health Care Access for Arkansans, said in an email.

“I don’t think there will be any problem differentiating between the two”, Couch said.

David Couch, the sponsor of the competing medical marijuana proposal, said he wasn’t directly involved in the lawsuit but shared information with the attorneys in the case about problems he had found with the canvasser registration and reporting for Fults’ proposal.

A separate challenge was filed with the court last month by a coalition of groups opposed to the measure, including the state Chamber of Commerce and the Arkansas Farm Bureau. The complaint also says the proposed ballot title is misleading to voters.


Arkansas Wins announced earlier this year it had struck a deal with Cherokee Nation Entertainment to run the Washington County casino if voters approve the measure.

Measure Allowing Casinos In Arkansas' Washington County Makes Ballot