
Emails by Clinton aides show State Department-foundation links

This, he alleges, happened despite the fact that Clinton vowed to recuse herself from Clinton Foundation activity as she served as Secretary of State to avoid conflicts of interest, or at least the appearance of such. In an interview with CNN Wednesday, Feltman denied he ever met with Chagoury.


Chagoury, according to a ThisDay and agency report, is a close friend of the former U.S. president and a top donor to the Clinton Foundation.

Clinton has faced enduring doubts about her trustworthiness and honesty throughout her presidential campaign.

Browne also reported that sources said that there was disagreement among DOJ officials at the meeting about whether to open the probe, which would have occurred alongside an investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information on her private email server.

The documents, produced as a result of the group’s FOIA lawsuit, challenge Clinton’s insistence that there is “no connection” between her family foundation and her work at the department. Watch him lay down the law and expose Hillary’s most vulnerable subject, the Clinton Foundation.

Judicial Watch said it has now found 171 messages that weren’t included in the 30,000 e-mails Clinton turned over to the State Department. Abedin then replies to Band saying, “We have all had him on our radar”. “In the email Band tells Hillary Clinton’s former aides at the State Department Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin that it is ‘important to take care of [Redacted]”.

On Tuesday evening, Trump’s campaign slammed the emails as “yet more evidence that Hillary Clinton lacks the judgment, character, stability and temperament to be within 1,000 miles of public power”. Hillary Clinton’s aides apparently agreed, but perhaps without sufficient haste.

The Clinton Foundation also says Mills was not a paid employee. “The Department does not believe it was inappropriate for Mr. Band or any other individual to recommend someone be considered for employment at the State Department”, Trudeau said.

Chagoury, he said, “has had no personal contact with Secretary Clinton or any of her staff since 2006”.

When Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, Mills left the Board of the Clinton Foundation and became Clinton’s Chief of Staff.

Mills was alerted to the request, from the group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), via an email from a State Department spokesman, Brock Johnson, on December 11, 2012.

Officials investigated the former secretary of state’s private email server and read approximately 30,000 emails that Clinton handed over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2014.


Hillary Clinton has been under fire since it was discovered past year that she exclusively used her own server to conduct all her work related email on.

WASHINGTON DC- AUGUST 05 Democratic presidential nomiee Hillary Clinton addresses the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists