
News anchor wrestles with alligator on air

WBZ’s Steve Burton got to try his hand at alligator wrestling while taping a segment for Sunday’s edition of Sports Final.


Burton takes the creature off Michael Ralbovsky calmly, as the herpetologist explains that he will stand back as he’s holding a crocodile.

“Hold it tight, hold it tight”, Ralbovsky told Burton repeatedly.

The station says the alligator Burton was holding got spooked by a nearby crocodile and tried to skeedaddle.

Frankly, we wouldn’t want a total stranger to hold us up in the air for 5 or 10 minutes either.

Eventually Ralbovsky and an assistant were able to get the gator away from Burton and calm both the gator and the anchor down.


“That thing was so strong”, Burton said later. “I wasn’t fine!” Burton joked about his reptile wrangling experience.

Steve Burton wrestles with an alligator