
Hillary Clinton’s latest poll numbers have Democratic voters panicking

The New York City real estate mogul’s favorability hit an all-time-high in the national polls at 42 percent, but were short two points of the 45 percent who said that they would vote for Clinton. Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) are undecided.


#4. Clinton’s favorability numbers hit record lows in the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll. Trump’s support has been eroding, too, from his high of 44% at that time. MA is going to go for Hillary Clinton; Mississippi will vote Trump.

Donald Trump’s strategy of embracing mass deportation of undocumented immigrants this week may be firing up his base, but it could cost him support among Latino voters. Trump now has the backing of 71% of Republicans, down from 76% a week ago. Clinton has 73 percent of the Democratic vote, down from 79 percent in the previous survey. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Ben Carson both raised more in Montana than Trump, and Sanders collected more in donations there than Clinton. Colorado is the birthplace of the national Libertarian Party, and it is by far the largest third party in the state, but still makes up less than 1 percent of voters, while the Green Party accounts for only about a quarter-percent.

Johnson draws support from eight percent (8%) of Republicans, three percent (3%) of Democrats and 12% of unaffiliated voters.

“We’re very much on schedule to do what we need to do to turn out the vote for Mr. Trump”, said Bob Paduchik, Trump’s OH state director and one of the most experienced operatives on the Republican’s staff. Paduchik said Trump’s efforts heading into the fall are focused primarily on rallying “disaffected Democrats and independents”.

This Vedic astrology writer has been forecasting about US Presidential Election in November 2016, for many months past.

However, the 68-year-old leader continues to maintain lead in some of the key battle ground states, other polls said.

Reuters shows Trump even closer now than right after the Republican convention, and again, it reflects a dramatic drop in Hillary’s support as the primary driver of the race’s tightening. “But her commanding lead among minority voters gives her a solid advantage no matter how you slice it”. They are not. A look at a national poll from Quinnipiac University provides a snapshot of the race and the dour narrative fueling it: A majority of voters don’t like either candidate.

The president election is shaping up as a referendum on the federal government and its actions.


“Trump supporters are so die-hard that it’s highly unlikely they’re going to vote for Democratic candidates”, said GOP strategist Ron Bonjean.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with his Hispanic Advisory Council at Trump Tower in the Manhattan borough of New York U.S