
Chris Christie on Clinton servers: What if I’d deleted Bridgegate emails?

Chris Christie isn’t a fan of the showmanship of Donald Trump, who showed up at the Iowa State Fair in his million helicopter over the weekend and proceeded to give rides to some of the kids.


“Mrs. Clinton”, Christie said on “Fox & Friends” Monday, turning to the camera to address her personally. He said he’d be using a much smaller mode of transportation that kids just love.

The only way to top the Trumpcopter – the Christie Pony Express?

But Christie indicated that he was not surprised by the amount raised by Bush, pointing out that he was the son and a brother of former presidents – putting other Republican candidates at a disadvantage.

“Oh, you know. It depends”. “It’s breathtaking”.

“Looking back, it would’ve been better if I’d simply used a second email account and carried a second phone, but at the time, this didn’t seem like an issue”, the Democratic presidential frontrunner said in March.


“Can you imagine, if after the bridge investigation began, I came out and said, ‘Oh, I’ve done all my business as governor on a private email server? I worked for the federal government for seven years as a U.S. attorney”, he added.

Fox News