
‘Hamas officials to visit Cairo for long-term truce talks’

If there were any private persons in contact with Hamas, the official added, they were not acting at the behest of the prime minister. Any long-term agreement between the two parties would include a 10-year ceasefire, Arab media outlets said.


The report, based on Palestinian sources, charged Israeli officials passed the message to the Palestinian Authority, the body governing the Palestinians in the West Bank territories, that no talks are conducted, despite reports to the contrary. Officials of PLO factions, such as PPP, have been receiving updates from Hamas on the talks with Blair over the past month, Awadh told The Times of Israel.

Aqtay said Turkey supports the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), for it is the representative of the Palestinian people, even though the Western countries use this to show that Turkey supports “terrorism”.

The conditions of the possible agreement though haven’t been fully uncovered.

“[I]s Gaza a humanitarian issue [only] or is it part of the Palestinian homeland?” echoed the politician Fatah spokesman Osama Qawasmi.

Lifting the Israeli siege on Gaza has become a Turkish issue, said the Turkish advisor, confirming that a solution will be reached in the nearest future.

The agreement reportedly would include the construction of a port in the Gaza Strip. The same newspaper reported that the Israel-Hamas agreement would improve Israel’s ties with Turkey, which deteriorated after nine Turks were killed when the Israel Defense Forces stormed a Turkish boat aimed at breaking Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza in 2010.

Another report in al-Masdar Arabic newspaper charged Israel agreed to let thousands of Gaza laborers to enter Israel and work, in exchange for assurance from Hamas that it would not launch rockets at Israeli territories and stop the activity of underground terror tunnels.

He confirmed that Turkey will never be subject to Israel’s stipulations. Hamas in its turn will sign a long-term ceasefire, which will allegedly last from seven to 10 years.


Gaza constitutes only 2 percent of Palestinian land, Haniyeh said, and as such, it would be unacceptable to create a Palestinian state in the coastal enclave. He is one of two Israeli civilians believed to be held by Hamas.

Palestinian children swim in the Mediterranean Sea as they enjoy the warm weather in the northern Gaza Strip