
Donald Trump’s Post-Immigration Speech Crash and Burn with Latino GOP Leaders

“Every single immigrant coming across that border wants to kill you, so you’ve got to elect me so I can build that wall and stop them”. Peña Nieto later contradicted Trump’s answer, saying he told the businessman Mexico would not be paying for construction of the wall.


Trump has wavered a little on what to do with the 11 million immigrants in the US illegally.

Taking questions from reporters following the speech, Trump said their discussion of a wall on the U.S. -Mexico border did not include payment.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine on Thursday compared the harsh immigration policies of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump to the years of “No Irish Need Apply” and the mass discrimination against Irish immigrants in the U.S. from the 1850s onwards.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Trump has changed his rhetoric so much on immigration over the past decade that it’s hard to tell where he actually stands at this point.

Donald Trump, the political equivalent of one of those mutant factory farm chickens with breasts so big it can’t walk, met with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto Wednesday. The party was working on a path to legalization and immigration reform before Trump, writing in an after-action report: “If Hispanics think we do not want them here, they will close their ears to our policies”.

The campaign of his rival, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, quickly jumped on the incident, saying Mr Trump “choked” by not bringing up his core campaign promise with Mr Nieto.

Alfonso Aguilar, who recently organised a support letter on behalf of Trump, said he felt “disappointed and misled” by the fiery speech and withdrew his backing.

“For the last two months he said he was not going to deport people without criminal records”.

How do you read Trump’s visit and speech last night?

After spending more than a year campaigning as the candidate of immigration, you’d think Trump would at least poll well on this issue.

Those African Americans in that Detroit audience can expect to see themselves in Trump TV ads in the weeks leading up to the November 8 election.

Particularly irksome to Mexicans was that Pena Nieto appeared to do little to push back against Trump’s earlier negative statements about Mexican migrants and unpopular proposals. Arpaio lauded Trump’s call for a wall on the Mexican border.

“The stakes this fall are as high as any election in our lifetimes”, she said in her first public remarks in several days.


‘And then we’re going to make a decision at a later date once everything is stabilized, ‘ Trump said.

Trump's'zero tolerance failure His harsh immigration policy would hurt immigrants and citizens alike