
Putin, Obama discuss Syria, Ukraine at G20

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish leader Recep Tayypip Erdogan also met to discuss the conflict in Syria and improving their countries’ frayed relations.


Obama said tackling the issue effectively was important to “regain the trust” of people who feared the system is rigged, but that it would not be fixed overnight.

“Calm down please. Calm down”, a White House official said. They called for cooperation to reduce tax avoidance. World leaders are gathering for the 11th G20 Summit from September 4-5.

Mr. Obama gave a cautious assessment of his administration’s latest efforts to work with Russian Federation on a plan to reduce violence and provide humanitarian aid in Syria. The official described the talks during the 90-minute sit-down as constructive. The official spoke anonymously to discuss a private conversation.

“But if we do not get some buy-in from the Russians on reducing the violence and easing the humanitarian crisis, then it’s hard to see how we get to the next phase”, said Obama. “If we can not get the type of agreement we want, we will walk away from that effort”. Obama said he would ask his aides to assess whether a “constructive” meeting was still possible in Laos with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The strategy has hinged on an unlikely U.S. The presidents appeared in congenial moods, with one photo showing Putin smiling broadly.

The meeting went on “longer than planned” but the two leaders were unable to thrash out an agreement to stop the fighting in Syria. -Russian military partnership that Moscow has long sought. “Work in this area will continue”, the spokesman told reporters in Hangzhou.

The American and Chinese presidents are calling on major economies to defend free trade at a summit held as sluggish growth and disputes over steel and other imports fuel demands in the United States and Europe to protect local industry.

“We have a saying in America that you need to put your money where your mouth is”.

“Free trade must be fair trade”, Juncker said at a news conference with Donald Tusk, president of the European Council.

But he insisted any work toward easing the deeply troubling humanitarian crisis was valuable. But he said “it is worth trying”. News stories displayed here appear in our category for General and are licensed via a specific agreement between and The Associated Press, the world’s oldest and largest news organization. He did not comment about a July information-sharing proposal that would include coordinating air attacks against the Syria Conquest Front in exchange for Russian Federation pushing to stop offensives by Assad’s government.

This week’s interaction between the two men could be a final attempt to salvage what’s become one of the most acrimonious relationships on the global stage.

He said the two sides had worked through many technical issues but said the USA didn’t want to enter into an illegitimate agreement.


“That was the ray of hope that came out of what was a really challenging event”, Obama added.

Barack Obama