
Sanders Draws Big Crowds at Iowa State Fair, Town Hall

Ryan Keller, Iowa Deputy State Director for Trump, told Oskaloosa News, “Mr. Trump was excited to attend the Iowa State Fair, marking the day on his personal calendar months ago”.


GOP frontrunner Donald Trump was the main attraction at the Iowa State Fair this weekend.

Erick Erickson, the conservative activist who got all sanctimonious and disinvited Trump from his Redstate Gathering conference, once referred to the blonde-haired Texas Senator Wendy Davis, who in 2013 famously spoke for eleven hours in a filibuster in the Texas legislature to prevent passage of a restrictive abortion bill, as “Abortion Barbie”.

Since then, Trump’s been talking up his chances, buoyed by his high standing in the polls. He sees his campaign as a major effort to defend the legacy of these ideals in a more conservative era of politics.

After bounding atop a blue trailer in a community park, Bernie Sanders quickly reminded people here that Iowa had helped elect the nation’s first black president. He’s telling people and showing people how rich he is. It will fall on the shoulders of Laudner and his organizers to ensure those enthusiasts actually turn up on caucus night.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Iowa Democratic Wing Ding on August 14, 2015 in Clear Lake, Iowa.

She saw the sights (think Butter Cow).

Her campaign protests that they are doing just that, and caution that any freak-out is vastly premature.

The concerns come as Clinton is weakened by forces both within and outside her control, allies outside the campaign said.

A distaste for hypocrisy is popular among the masses regardless of individual political orientation.

And it is indeed abortion – rather than whether or not Trump was referring to Kelly having her period – that is the critical issue for women’s equality.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants more than a wall to keep out immigrants living in the country illegally.

Trump says he would ask nominees to the Supreme Court about their views on abortion and would take their views into consideration as he made a decision on whom to nominate. Sanders said. “I apologize”.

Trump is an incarnation of Republican populism that is completely free of the public relations superstructure of hypocrisy – those politically life-sustaining lies – that is essential for the Republican Party establishment. Trump said he wouldn’t be “presumptuous”.

Moreover, Clinton said, the issue isn’t brought up when she meets Americans on the campaign trail.

He often looks bored in debates and television interviews. Ben Carson and Ted Cruz surging, while Jeb bush and Scott walker falling back.

Carson’s comments came shortly after his soapbox speech, delivered to a large crowd.

Walker’s affiliated super PAC is named “Unintimidated PAC” – a nod to his successful fights with organized labor since taking office in 2011, including surviving a recall election.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is outlining a foreign policy in which the United States would put ground troops in the fight against Islamic State militants and demand money from Middle East countries supported by the US. In a recent New Hampshire poll, Sanders reportedly overtook front-runner Hillary Clinton. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and former Rhode Island Sen.

Kevin Maguire