
Watch GameXplain’s epic two hour Breath of the Wild analysis

Nintendo might have had a not-too-successful launch with their Wii U, but they still have the intellectual property of The Legend of Zelda.


The add-on content is rounded off with a new Adventure Mode map, and 15 new My Fairy costume pieces. According to Engadget, the game is available for purchase and download on the Wii U via Virtual Console today.

Furthermore, the control scheme setup for Skyward Sword on the Wii U wasn’t mentioned, but the original Wii game relied on the waggle controls.

These amiibo will work the same as Super Smash Bros. series Link, Toon Link and Zelda amiibo, and will also have special functionality in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild when it launches next year.

In the recent trend of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild clips being released by Nintendo, each clip has revealed a different aspect of the game and they all look unbelievable.

The video starts with Link dispelling stylized breath, which looks very nice-don’t call me weird, you’re weird. In Breath of the Wild, he’ll do all of these things with the paraglider and much more.

Update 2: Skyward Sword is now available in the eShop.

Merchoid’s Community Manager, Jessica Adams says “You won’t find Breath of the Wild under your Deku tree this year, but you can still have Happy Hyrule-idays with our Zelda Christmas Sweaters”. Not only that, Link can attack by dropping bombs. Skyward Sword was originally released on Wii in November 2011.


Though it is not seen in the game, it is also confirmed that although Link can use the bow and arrow to great effect, the location and weather will also have an effect on their use.
