
S’pore expects Zika to spread as cases surpass 250

The potential for epidemics to occur in parts of Africa and the Asia-Pacific region is particularly high given that the vast numbers of people who could be exposed to Zika virus are living in environments where health and human resources to prevent, detect, and respond to epidemics are limited.


The Philippines confirmed on Monday its first case of the Zika virus this year and said it was “highly likely” it had been locally transmitted, and it expected more cases after stepping up surveillance.

Meanwhile, MOH is also extending subsidies for the Zika test to all Singaporeans with Zika symptoms for from Wednesday (Sept 7).

He said the number of cases had not reached a serious stage but precautionary measures had to be taken all the same.

Bayugo said the woman tested positive after a urine test.

“As such, the Johor government denies that the Zika case in Sabah originated in Johor”, he said when commenting on the radio report.

“These (five cases) did not convert into an outbreak”.

“Although some people question this move, we have to take proactive measures to check the spread of the Zika virus to Johor and Malaysia”, he said. “And we hope that this one sporadic case will not translate [into something bigger] similar to what is being experienced elsewhere”, said Bayugo. However, there are still many unknowns about the virus and how it spreads, including which local species of mosquito are most capable of transmitting the virus, and whether immunity exists in areas that have previously reported cases of Zika virus.

The Philippine government over the weekend issued an advisory, urging Filipino travellers “to take extra precautions” while staying in Zika-infected countries.

Nigeria has emerged as one of the countries at greater risk of Zika virus transmission.

The post Sixth Zika case confirmed in Philippines appeared first on Punch Newspapers. But medial experts said the symptoms of Zika virus could be treated with common pain and fever medicine, rest and enough water intake.


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Miami mosquito samples test positive for Zika virus in US first