
Protesters Gather Outside Brock Turner’s Family Home in Ohio

“We don’t know who picked him up or where he’s going, but we’re done with him”, Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith told reporters outside the jail.


Brock Turner is pictured in his booking mug following his sentencing in his sexual assault conviction.

The athlete is required to complete three years of probation which include a sex offender management program for at least a year or up to three.

Turner’s sentence sparked outrage among many, and Friday night protesters were at his home, voicing some strong opinions.

Turner, whose family lives in Sugarcreek Twp., has five days to report to the Greene County Sheriff’s Office to register as a Tier III Sex offender. The case reflected growing concern over sexual assaults on USA college campuses. Turner, then 19, fled the scene but the witnesses tackled him and held him until police arrived, according to the Santa Clara District Attorney’s Office.

Turner was convicted in March of three felony counts: assault with the intent to commit rape of an unconscious person, sexual penetration of an unconscious person and sexual penetration of an intoxicated person.

Persky’s decision to sentence Turner to six months in county jail rather than a prison term drew national outcry and protests of the judge, eventually spurring his request to transfer from criminal to civil court, set to take effect in September.

Presley’s judge-who is being compared to Stanford rapist Brock Turner’s judge Aaron Persky-did not opt to give Presley 15 years of prison, which is the maximum sentence for inappropriately touching an underage victim.

“It’s a awful crime. Far too often we look at perpetrators in a less blameworthy way and minimize what happened to the victim”. Sometimes, encounters turned into he said/she said cases, with a woman claiming she was forced to the ground, a bed or against a wall, and raped as she shouted no, while the man said it was consensual. They and others attending a demonstration outside the jail called for him to resign Friday. The site has an “About Judge Aaron Persky” page, which includes a statement purportedly from the judge, as well as a section for contributions.

Here’s why: Because of the Criminal Justice Realignment Act of 2011, offenders in California sentenced to time in county jail are eligible to cut their sentences in half at an accelerated rate, as long as they behave.

Campos also said, “We are here to stand with ‘Emily Doe.'” The victim’s identity has not been released. The bill is now heading to California Gov. Nothing indicates it’s anything more or less than that.

The Recall Persky Campaign says it since has found a pattern of bias in the punishment the judge has doled out in sex crimes against women.


“I support him because he has high integrity”, Goodman said. But Dan Newman, a spokesman for the campaign in favor of the ballot measure, called the list “merely a starting point”. Wollack said the appeals court has not yet received the trial record, “so we are still very early in the process at this time”.

Stanford swimmer convicted of sex assault released from jail