
Latest presidential poll: Donald Trump tied with Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton says his wife’s economic plan would create 10.5 million jobs while Trump’s would cut 3.5 million jobs.


It also showed support for Trump among Republicans jumping six points over the past two weeks, giving him 78 per cent backing in his own party.

The Labor Day holiday marks the start of an intense period for campaigning with a little over two months left until the Nov 8 vote, The Telegraph reported. “As of this moment”, he will join Clinton for all three debates, he added.

In an interview to NBC News, Pence, the vice presidential running mate of Trump, said that the fate of the undocumented immigrants would be considered after the deportation of criminal aliens.

It came as Clinton faced a resurgence of criticism over her use of a private e-mail server while she was US Secretary of State, and the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and some of its donors.

Clinton, the Democratic nominee, kicked off the home stretch of the race Monday, traveling aboard a new campaign plane that carried members of the press corps with her for the first time.

Donald Trump has made his promise that Mexico would pay to build a wall along the US border a centerpiece of his proposed immigration policy. The FBI, over the protests of Republicans, in July decided Clinton’s actions did not warrant criminal charges being filed against her. But only 13 percent of voters believe the Republican presidential candidate could deliver on that promise if elected. But I think Mr. Trump clarified very clearly when he got to Arizona later in that day that he will build that wall. This is what Trump said in his major policy speech on immigration early this week, he said.

Later that Wednesday, Trump doubled down on his stance that Mexico would pay for a border wall and there would be no amnesty for undocumented immigrants. But he left unclear how he plans to deal with millions of other immigrants who have not committed any crimes other than entering the USA illegally.

About 40 of the 50 U.S. states traditionally vote for Republican or Democratic U.S. presidential candidates, with the remaining states highly contested from one election to the next.


Two new surveys released in Wisconsin, by Marquette and Monmouth universities, show Trump much closer to Clinton than in previous polls in the state.

Early voting already Trump chances may hinge on non-whites