
How That Al Gore 2016 Rumor Spread

Gore’s former chief of staff and other close advisors have echoed that they have not heard any interest in another run. “It feels more real than it has in the past months”.


Supporters of Al Gore are talking among themselves – and with the former vice president of Bill Clinton – about his running for president in 2016, reports say.

ABC News also reported that friends and former advisers of Gore were looking at a 2016 bid.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has dominated the small subject of Democrats vying to be their celebration’s candidate within the 2016 presidential election.

But a spokeswoman told The Tennessean and Politico that the reports were untrue. And strategists know that if Clinton falters, there are probably only two tried-and-true Democratic candidates who can be considered experienced enough to step in: Vice President Joe Biden is one (and is said to be actively considering a run), and the other is Gore, Biden’s Democratic predecessor as veep.

These quiet conversations are a sign that the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal email server has made some democrats jittery.

Gore has stayed entirely out of presidential politics since he won the popular vote but lost the White House 15 years ago.

However, a top source within the Democrat party told NBC News that there was nothing substantive happening in the Gore camp.

Since then, he has spent most of his time speaking on climate change and launching Current TV which was purchased by Al Jazeera in 2013.


“They’re determining if there is a path financially and politically”, an unnamed Democrat informed BuzzFeed about the insiders.

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