
Saturday letters: Jimmy Carter, Planned Parenthood, pet waste

Former President Jimmy Carter talks with neighbor Stephanie Wynn before the start of bible study at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains on Sunday morning August 16, 2015. Carter has long been on the schedule to teach next Sunday’s class, but has said nothing publicly about his plans since releasing a three-sentence statement through the Carter Center last Wednesday confirming his diagnosis.


Carter, 90, was the nation’s 39th president. “The likelihood is that this is a cancer from outside the liver, but we don’t know for certain”. At the time, the Carter Center in Atlanta said only that he had returned to his home state of Georgia after “not feeling well”.

Kids were allowed to attend and craft a birthday card for Mrs. Carter as well as a get well card for Jimmy Carter which was held in an event at the Presidential Library. “If he tolerated liver surgery, I imagine he has a relatively good tolerance” to other treatments that might be tried.

Evens said there are advanced types of testing that can examine the genetic makeup of cancer cells to identify where it started, and guide treatment. “Cancer in a 90-year-old is a serious problem, but that does not mean a 90-year-old cannot benefit from treatment”.

The BBC interviewed Mr Carter in February about his efforts to eradicate guinea worm disease and in the South Sudan and Mali and river blindness in both Africa and Latin America. In May, he was forced to cut short an election observation visit to Guyana when he developed a bad cold.

The Carter family has a history of pancreatic cancer, including his parents, two sisters and younger brother Billy Carter who all died from the disease.

It added that the operation had proceeded without issues and that the prognosis was excellent for a full recovery.

An Emory spokesman declined comment Wednesday.

Embrace: Hundreds of support messages have been pouring in for Carter since his cancer announcement.

Vice President Joe Biden said he was praying for Carter, who is “a great man, always upbeat and optimistic”.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Rosalynn and the entire Carter family as they face this challenge with the same grace and determination that they have shown so many times before”.


After losing his bid for a second term against former president Ronald Reagan, he founded The Carter Center in Atlanta in 1982. The center at Emory University helps to promote public health issues, global conflict resolution and democracy.

Jimmy Carter