
John Kerry and Penny Pritzker Meet India’s Prime Minister Modi

“They must work with us to help clear sanctuaries of bad actors who are affecting not only India- Pakistan relationship but also our ability to achieve peace and stability in Afghanistan”, Mr Kerry said.


While addressing students at the Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi, the US Secretary of State who was delayed because of the rain, had jokingly remarked that the students must have required boats to get to the venue.

Kerry said on Tuesday that Islamabad should not feel isolated by fresh talks that are planned between the United States, India and Afghanistan next month in NY.

“I can assure you primary goal of America’s foreign policy is world peace”, he said, but however underlined that the challenges in this century are different from that of last century, mentioning the “non-state” attackers.

“We repeated our stand that Pakistan should stop providing safe havens to terror groups…”

Kerry said Pakistan has fastened the process in the recent months.

The annual event is part of US efforts to open up a market of 1.3 billion people and press India’s government to quicken reforms easing limits on outside investment.

“Even though we are witnessing impressive gains in India’s economic growth, there is still a real question as to whether we are doing so quickly enough”, said Kerry. The US Secretary of State also had to cancel his scheduled trip to three religious places in the capital after it rained ferociously this morning. Secretary Kerry also shared US perspective on developments in the region and beyond with Prime Minister. “We want to make it happen before the year-end”, said the U.S. leader.

Explaining the decision to withhold $300 million in Coalition Support Funds, Kirby said that these decisions were based on “active, fluid, dynamic conversations” that they had with Pakistani leaders.

Asked what it will take to re-open talks with Pakistan, Suwaraj said India was not the one creating tensions with Pakistan. “More than 50,000 people have been killed…people define a great religion Islam in a way that doesn’t reflect that religion”.


He added that the United States has tried to allay concerns of the naysayers by putting forward ideas on how to make that evaluation. Washington has increasingly turned its focus to Asia as it tries to counter China’s growing clout in the South China Sea, and is eager for India to play a greater role in a network of defense alliances.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Pakistan had made progress in the fight against extremism in recent months but urged Islamabad to push harder against militants hiding within its borders as tensions with neighboring India rise amid more violence