
US presidential candidate Trump reports for jury duty in NYC

Scott Walker embraced some of the plan Monday, but other contenders, such as Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina, dismissed elements as unworkable.


The Republican front-runner said last week he was “looking forward to appearing”. Tripling the force of immigration officers by eliminating tax credit payments to immigrant families residing illegally in the U.S. And as Mitt Romney can tell you, that choice can have serious consequences.

While that might be a welcome development for some Republican primary voters, it could prove perilous for the party in the long run with one of the country’s fastest-growing demographics.

“Any time we have any type of high-profile person we bring them in”, he said. “But whether they [the Mexicans] do or don’t pay for the wall, as he says in his document, the cost of that wall pales in comparison to not building it”.

The 69-year-old real estate magnate and would-be politician reported late, arriving eight minutes behind schedule at 9:08 am (local time).

Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called that proposal foolish and said it shows Trump “has no idea what the world is actually like”.

SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL REPORTER: Now, Trump is offering more red meat for conservatives: a hardline immigration plan.

“Living in New York you always expect to see a celebrity, but I was pretty surprised when he walked in”, Kate Swed, a prospective juror from Harlem, told

Trump waited in a security line before heading into the jury room, joining around 75 others. In the end, he wasn’t.

They say his promise is completely unrealistic and one example of how Trump uses shock value to draw attention to his campaign.

“It’s a very professional process”, Trump said.

Trump is dealing head-on with the hard issues while more establishment candidates fret over focus groups and polls.

Trump also revealed he doesn’t view himself as a misogynist and neither do the women in his family. The position is also supported by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

“There’s a war on women that is happening in this country”, O’Donnell said. I tell you he is going to make a great president. But King is also close with Sen. He repeated comments he’s made previously, noting that: “The good people can come back”. “That’s just not practical”. In the 2012 election, Barack Obama won 71 percent of the Latino vote, a score that was key to his re-election and was widely attributed to the Republican Party’s hostile rhetoric on immigration.


“But they’re going to come back legally”, he said. “It would take passing a constitutional amendment to get that changed”. “We enforce the law and require employers across America to uphold the law – which means an effective E-verify system – I think that ultimately puts us in a better place”.

Donald Trump gives a fist bump to a pedestrian as he arrives for jury duty in New York