
Trump Says He Did Not ‘Choke’ on Mexico Wall Deal

Courting labor supporters, she met with union leaders in Cleveland while her husband appeared at a Labor Day parade in Detroit.


“I’m not taking anybody, anywhere for granted”, Clinton told a crowd of more than 1,000 at a picnic in Cleveland. “I don’t choke”, Trump told ABC News’ David Muir in the battleground state of OH today.

“And I feel very good about the organization we’ve built”, Clinton told Muir alongside her running mate, Tim Kaine, in Cleveland, Ohio. According to NBC News, this was a very “aggressive” coughing fit and it was so bad that Hillary nearly couldn’t finish the comments she was trying to share with the crowd. The emails, later revealed by WikiLeaks, showed some DNC officials favoring Clinton over her primary opponent, Bernie Sanders – who has since endorsed Clinton for president.

Speaking to reporters on her new campaign plane, she took credit for Trump’s overture to the news media.

Trump and his surrogates have questioned Clinton’s health for months. He followed suit, inviting a smaller group of reporters onto his plane and answering questions during the 30-minute flight.

And she implied Moscow was trying to help get Trump elected.

“I often quote a great saying that I learned from living in Arkansas for many years: If you find a turtle on a fencepost it didn’t get there by itself”, she said.

Like Clinton, Trump has largely avoided having the press corps on his plane, but on Monday he invited some journalists aboard, where he discussed his immigration platform. During a disastrous closed-door meeting, Nieto told Trump that Mexico would not pay for the real estate mogul’s border wall.

Under Clinton, “people can pour across the border and it doesn’t matter who the people are”.

The former secretary of state flatly said “No”, when asked in an ABC News interview whether she’d be willing to accept the Mexican president’s invitation to visit the country, as Trump did last week.

Trump “can’t even go to a friendly foreign country without getting into a fight”, she said during a campaign stop in Hampton, Illinois.

Earlier, Trump and Pence attended a round-table discussion with union members, where Trump warned that America’s manufacturing jobs are “going to hell”.

Labor Day is traditionally the beginning of a two-month sprint to Election Day, in which candidates try to seize voters’ attention as summer fades and debates loom.

The first of three presidential debates that are expected to be the most watched moments of the election is just three weeks away. I think it is an important element of what we’re doing.

Trump was also reportedly not happy with the dates of the debates prior to agreeing to participate on Monday as the first debate will coincide with Monday Night Football which could have an impact on ratings.

Clinton and Trump were each joined by their running mates in OH, a signal of the importance each campaign places on the Buckeye State. According to The Washington Post, Trump waited to make his decision until the moderators for each debate were announced, but apparently Donald approves of NBC’s Lester Holt, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, ABC’s Martha Rabbatz, and Fox News’ Chris Wallace.


“If Trump loses OH he loses the race”, Brown told AFP.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton arrives at the Quad Cities International Airport in Moline Ill. Monday Sept. 5 2016 after traveling from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport