
No Need for Panic at LAX

The incident was similar to one that occurred two weeks earlier in NY, when unconfirmed reports of gunfire at Kennedy International Airport led the police to evacuate two terminals there, causing hysteria among passengers whose fears were exacerbated by unconfirmed reports spread on social media. Officer Robert Pedregon listened to the emergency call.


The ensuing bedlam started nearly immediately as people around the caller began to panic and scatter wildly. According to ABC News, “Passengers breached security doors and spilled out onto the airport tarmac”.

Within five minutes, another 911 call came in, this time from Terminal 4. They turned me over and put handcuffs on me.

Scores of people could be seen on social media and on TV news running from the terminal out on to the sidewalks and streets.

“There was screaming around us”.

One traveler described the scene to AP. She heard people storming into the lounge.

Video showed people sprinting out of the airport terminals.

Officers ran into the terminal with guns as other officers patrolled the exterior of the terminal.

At least two terminals were “self-evacuated” and security personnel were checking them for anything suspicious, according to Officer Alicia Hernandez of the LAX police. Earlier, airport police tweeted that every terminal was being searched. The noises, however, were not gunshots, but people cheering and clapping for the Olympics.

“When you don’t have security, don’t be surprised that somebody can drive you insane with a false alarm”, Yeffet said.

“Report of shooting at LAX proven to be loud noises only”, Los Angeles police Capt. Andy Neiman said on Twitter. Parts of the airport is closed as of 9:30 p.m. local time.

The Los Angeles airport, known as LAX, is the seventh busiest airport worldwide in terms of traffic.

On Monday, reported more than 30 flights were delayed or canceled.

However, “during the incident”, they did manage to detain a man dressed as Zorro armed with a plastic sword, although airport officials have yet to clarify whether the masked man was in any way connected with the evacuation.


There was “complete chaos” at LAX overnight after police responded to numerous reports of shots fired and detained a man in a Zorro-style costume.

Delayed passengers inside Terminal 7 at Los Angeles International Airport line up to go through TSA security check following a false alarm Sunday night