
Hillary Clinton’s Late Summer Swoon Doesn’t Help Trump

The difference between the two candidates in the new polls is near or within the surveys’ margins of error.


Four years ago, then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won the national white female vote by 14 points, according to exit polls.

Since May 4 – when Trump crushed Senator Ted Cruz in the in primary and effectively sealed the Republican nomination – there has been talk of a Trump pivot in which he drops some of his brashness and reactionary rhetoric to convince wavering voters that he is temperamentally up to the task of being president.

Interviews with people across OH confirmed those sentiments. This news story is related to Latest/147360-Trump-catches-up-to-Clinton-latest-ReutersIpsos-poll-finds/ – breaking news, latest news, pakistan ne.

She needs to prepare for a candidate who’s the most unpredictable nominee in decades. She is better funded, better organized and – marginally – better liked. “Some of the things he says are highly offensive, and he doesn’t appear to be in touch with any minorities”.

I have no idea who I’m voting for.

Early voting starts October 12 and Election Day is November 8.

Of Ohioans who like Clinton, 30 percent said she is competent, 25 percent said she is responsible and 22 percent said she is caring.

But the Observer also talked with some women who said they planned to vote for Trump while holding their nose.

“Clinton’s campaign is bracing itself for some type of ‘October surprise” – an unexpected event that requires the nominee to adjust in the pressure-cooker of the campaign’s final days.

“People tend to look at her differently when she is running for office than when she is in office, where she has enjoyed at points historic levels of popularity”.

I feel like if you vote for Trump, that we’re going to go to war.

In the poll, Clinton scored higher for competency than Trump but did not receive high marks for her foreign policy experience, perhaps a result of the ongoing scandals involving her tenure as secretary of state.

“It begins with building a wall, border security”.

“It’s not that there’s nothing there, it’s also not the huge hurricane her critics are sometimes willing to paint”. “So it’s hard to even imagine going to the polls”, she said.

Donald Trump? She’s put off by some of the “wacko” things he’s said and worries his lack of discipline could spark an worldwide crisis if he gets in the White House.

“Beyond forcibly removing every single undocumented person from this country, Trump has also promised to rescind DACA and DAPA, and deport American citizens who are born to undocumented immigrant parents”, Mook said.

But Norton isn’t sold on Clinton, either: “I don’t trust her and I don’t agree with a lot of her politics”. He cited various efforts to engage black voters, from African-American surrogates stumping at barber shops and beauty salons, churches and college campuses to Clinton’s appearances this year in front of the NAACP, the National Urban League and at a joint national meeting of more than 3,000 black and Hispanic journalists.

Many respondents had words of praise for the candidates. That’s led political analysts to suggest Trump’s real concern is to win over suburban white women anxious that he might be a bigot. “I will never, ever vote for Hillary Clinton”. “And I believe that Trump is an idiot”. But I will overcome that.

Ticket splitting in a presidential year is rare, but some Republicans believe in this odd election cycle voters view Trump in a completely different category than congressional candidates.

Mrs Clinton has been accused of mishandling classified information while working for the State Department, but the report attributes her mismanagement of the emails to a concussion suffered in 2012.

Even many Clinton supporters see her as a flawed candidate.

“Clinton said she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from State [Department] during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in 2013”, the documents read.

She added that: “Pennsylvania has your back, and Philly in particular”.

Without predicting the House could turn blue, Lujan said, “House Democrats have great reason for optimism this fall”.

“There is absolutely no specifics on how he’ll do any of that so there is no way to evaluate him”, he said.

The day before he goes to Detroit for his first general election appearance in front of a majority black audience, Donald Trump is heading to Philadelphia. Asked the same question about Clinton, 77 percent answered no. These numbers do not include a recently announced buy from Clinton in Arizona, a state that has gone Democratic in only one presidential election since 1952.

Green sounded a warning about what the candidates’ unpopularity means for the country.


“The message is legitimate, but the messenger is completely illegitimate – that’s the irony”, said Van Jones, a political activist and commentator. Interviews of OH citizens 18 and older were conducted throughout the month of August.

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