
China Blames America for Obama Embarrassment

Yesterday China’s President Xi Jinping told leader’s to avoid empty talk and focus on the world economy, which he described as at a “critical juncture”.


“We agreed to improve G20 trade and investment mechanisms, endorse the G20 strategy for global trade growth and move towards inclusive and coordinated global value chains”.

North Korea has tested missiles at sensitive times in the past to draw attention to its military might.

US officials have said that as part of a deal, Russian Federation would have to halt offensives by Assad’s government, something it has failed to do over months of diplomatic efforts.

Chinese officials said earlier that China would propose a plan to boost trade and innovation through regulatory changes and closer government cooperation. The two diplomats met for an hour but emerged still at odds on certain issues, said a senior State Department official, who wasn’t authorized to discuss the talks by name and requested anonymity.

“We haven’t yet closed the gaps in a way where we think it would actually work”, he said, but added that US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov would “keep working at it over the next several days”.

World leaders gather during a photo before the opening of the G20 Summit at the International Expo Center in Hangzhou.

Nothing spells out the difference between the mature statesmanship of President Obama and Republican nominee Donald Trump like this situation.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party was relegated to third place behind an anti-immigrant party in a regional election on Sunday.

President Barack Obama said yesterday the United States and Russian Federation have not given up on negotiations that could stem the bloodshed in Syria, but acknowledged leaders are challenged by “gaps of trust” between the rival powers.

For more, CCTV’s Shi Wenjing reports from Hangzhou.

“Obviously it has something to do with the refugee question”.

“China has given the prescription that the world economies should not form small interest groups, but should use the G20 as a common governance platform to step toward a community of common destiny”, said Wei Jianguo, vice-president of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.

One of the few areas where there was progress was in protecting the environment. You see that? They have pictures of other leaders who are. coming down with a handsome red carpet.

Bals commended China for putting the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the greening of the financial system on the G20 agenda, adding that it is now up to the German presidency next year to deliver concrete implementation strategies on these issues.

After strenuous efforts during backroom negotiations running into months, China has managed to get the Group of 20 nations to pledge an end of protectionism in global trade and investments, which has been severely hurting its economy.

Obama was anxious enough to dispatch his vice president to Turkey last month to cool the situation, with mixed results.

His visit to Hangzhou got off to a chaotic start.


May has asked her security advisers to review the project. The Islamic State group only claimed responsibility for one of the attacks, the bombings were timed closely together. Obama told reporters he “wouldn’t over-crank the significance” of the airport events.

The world's leading economies spoke out against a return to protectionism