
After Bombing Badly, Trump Throws A Tantrum And Schedules Another Immigration Speech

“Our message to the world will be this: you can not obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country”, he said in a speech in Phoenix as he laid out a 10-point plan to crack down on illegal immigration.


“Those days are over”, Trump said.

During his speech in Phoenix Wednesday night, Trump indicated that he still plans to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, saying, “You can not obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country”.

After hour’s discussions, finally US Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump reveals on Thursday that “softening” aspect is included in his immigration plans.

Shortly after the meeting, Nieto took to social media and the airwaves.

And he focused on his plan to deport undocumented immigrants who had committed additional crimes in the U.S.

Clinton has expressed support for a pathway to citizenship for most of America’s undocumented.

Trump’s tense worldwide trip to Mexico on Wednesday saw him navigate a political tightrope just 69 days before the election.

However, DNC national press secretary Mark Paustenbach said, “Trump has boasted that he is going to get Mexico to pay for his ridiculous wall but when he came face to face with the Mexican President he got out maneuvered and then tried to cover it up on worldwide TV”.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Donald Trump changed his speech on immigration at the last minute to include references to Mexico paying for his proposed border wall. “It is unsurprising that they hold two different views on this issue, and we look forward to continuing the conversation”, said Jason Miller, senior communications advisor of the Trump campaign.


Political analyst Bakari Sellers branded the speech “nationalism on steroids”.

Donald Trump Mexican President Take Border Wall Payment Fight To Twitter