
Pokemon Sun/Moon: New Creatures and Pokemon Snap-Like Feature Revealed

Along with searching for Pokemon for you to catch, the upcoming Sun and Moon will have the player collect Zygarde Cells. That’s where the Aether Foundation comes in, adding yet another organization to Pokemon Sun and Moon.


In addition to new Pokemon, the trailer also showed off a new group that lives and works in the Alola region.

“All over Alola, rumors speak of creatures that possess mighty powers and pose a threat to humans and Pokemon”. “It seems that the Aether Foundation is conducting research on these Ultra Beasts, referring to each of them by a code name”. It constantly changes shape, and its movements resemble that of a young girl.

“UB-01’s body is composed of a glass-like substance”.

It was also confirmed today that the characters Dexio and Sina from Pokemon X/Y, who are the professor’s assistants, will appear in Sun/Moon. Collect enough of these and you may be able to find the elusive Zygarde creature more easily. Called Poke Finder, this new feature allows players to snap pictures of Pokemon at various locations around the Alola region – based on Nintendo’s description and the brief glimpse we get in the trailer, it seems like these spots will function similarly to the picture spots found in X and Y. The Poke Finder is housed in the Rotom Pokedex.

Other newly introduced Pokemon include Type: Null – a synthetically-created, Franstein’s monster of a beast – and Jangmo-o, a dragon-type that looks like prime fare for cool evolutions. The new trailer also revealed that for Pokemon Sun & Moon, the 2 titles will appropriately take place 12-hours apart. Following on from last week’s Nintendo Direct announcement, the trailer also reveals Alolan Raticate, which appears ready to burst from overeating rather than do battle.


With just a couple of months left before Pokemon Sun and Moon’s release, Nintendo and the Pokemon Company are continuing to roll out new surprises for the game. In previous Pokemon games, certain Pokemon only come out during the day or night, but it’s unclear how the time difference will impact the game.

Pokemon Sun and Moon: Alolan Raticate gains weight; Ultra Beasts revealed