
One debate set, possibly more in Florida U.S. Senate race

Todd Martin, 53, and his 18-year-old daughter Haley, voted together in Tallahassee, where they recently moved as she starts college.


Both of his possible Democratic rivals, Reps.

His main opponent, establishment-favored Patrick Murphy, a Congressman from Jupiter, handily won his primary Tuesday, with Grayson trailing him by more than 40 points; Murphy won 58.84 percent to Grayson’s 17.75.

He called Murphy an old-fashioned liberal who had a sense of entitlement.

But Rubio, a Republican star player who endured the wrath of Donald Trump on the Republican presidential debate stage, is not a typical candidate when it comes to his rhetorical skills.

Beruff, a real-estate developer, accused Rubio last week of doing a “tap dance” on whether or not he supports Trump.

On Thursday, Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball changed Florida’s U.S. Senate race from being a pure toss up to being a seat that leans in Rubio’s favor.

Likewise, Rubio was fixated on Murphy in the closing days, calling him “one of the most unaccomplished members of Congress”. “That means the future of the Supreme Court will be determined by the Florida Senate seat”.

“Patrick Murphy is an enthusiastic supporter of the nuclear deal with Iran, ” Rubio told his cheering supporters at the Embassy Suites in Kissimmee, Florida after calling his opponent “nothing more than an old-fashioned liberal” who supports ideas that are risky for the country.

“Marco Rubio has to get back in the I-4 corridor and work every day from here until the general election reintroducing himself to voters who have supported him in the past”, said analyst Brian Aungst Jr. “What haven’t we seen in Florida this year?”

“How can someone with that kind of record think he can be elected to the U.S. Senate?”

Florida’s Senate race will likely be pivotal in determining which party controls the upper chamber next year. “He gave up on his job, he gave up on Florida”, Murphy said.

The ride here has been bumpy, in a distinctly Florida way.

But they have tiptoed around Trump, mainly out of concern that his provocative comments on illegal immigration, Muslims and US support for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation could alienate moderate and independent voters in their states. The accusations came after Sen.

Rubio spoke about an hour later and said Murphy has lied about his education and his career and is only successful because of his wealthy father. The two men emerged as the winners in their respective primaries. Bob Graham, a former senator, and his daughter, U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham. At that moment the party wasn’t even attempting to be unbiased in telegraphing who they were pulling for, a charge that many Bernie Sanders supporters made about former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Democratic National Committee frequently over the path year.

Sanders endorsed anti-establishment candidate Tim Canova in the 23rd House District around Miami, but he lost to Wasserman Schulz by almost 14 percentage points. Up for election are one-third of the Senate’s 100 seats and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives. “I was a big supporter of Joe Garcia”, Taddeo said last week in an interview in Miami.

Garcia will face Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo in November.


Despite the high stakes, this was not the race Rubio expected to be in. Four candidates with no party affiliation have already qualified for the general election.

Marco Rubio Patrick Murphy