
‘I am not intimidated,’ Walker tells protesters at Iowa State Fair

“In a speech at the Iowa State Fair, Sunday afternoon, GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson blamed both Republicans and Democrats for the runaway debt, which he said is in the process of destroying the future for the next generation”. “He will say anything!”


The event normally pulls in around $20 million over the course of more than a week, and is a draw for national politicians seeking office. Republican Donald Trump’s helicopter circled the fairgrounds in the air above.

Donald Trump arrived Saturday at the Iowa State Fair in his private luxury helicopter. You want someone who’s tested? “We will not back down, we will do what is necessary to defend the American people“.

He added: “We’re going to have a big door for people to come in legally”. That’s been the key to his campaign.

Walker supporters attempted to shut down and drown out the protesters, some of whom sported foam cheeseheads.

“One Walker guy tried to dive-bomb me”. In the same post-debate poll, Trump held nearly steady at the front of the field.

“It’s in our founding documents, it’s in our pledge, it’s in our courts and it’s on our money, but we’re not supposed to talk about it. What in the world is that? But they kept ripping our signs apart”.

While this poll may be an outlier, it’s topline will encourage other polling firms to survey New Hampshire in the near future; and given Sanders’s lead in this poll, they will likely have to match him up with Republican candidates.

And he’s already facing increased scrutiny from the media and from critics: Late Wednesday, opposition researchers circulated information highlighting his role in a 1992 medical journal article that relied on research using fetal tissue, which they say contradicts his antiabortion stance.

Unintimidated!” Scott Walker bellowed from the stage of the Des Moines Register’s Soapbox.

As Walker took questions after his speech from large and energetic crowd near the Soapbox, Ciara Fox of Milwaukee yelled to interrupt him.

Demonstrators still gather each weekday during the lunch hour at the Wisconsin Capitol, singing pro-union, anti-Walker songs, as they have for 41/2 years.

“You’re the fool because you believe his lies!”

“The numbers speak for themselves”, Bindner retorted.

“Get over here!” Trump called to a middle-aged woman, motioning her over for a photo as he walked through the crowd while security cleared a path.


“200,000 jobs you promised Wisconsin”. She said homicides have risen in Milwaukee County since Walker passed a concealed-carry gun law. He said he was rejecting campaign contributions from wealthy donors and was prepared to spend up to $1 billion on his campaign. But if he is going to run a campaign or a country, letting anger at newspapers drive his decisions won’t work very well.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Donald Trump take the stage for the first prime-time presidential debate hosted by FOX News and Facebook at the Quicken Loans Arena Aug. 6 2015 in Cleveland Ohio