
Wake Forest baby may hold new world record for youngest water skier

Rob claims Auburn is now the world’s youngest water skier, at just 6 months 10 days old and says he beat the record of a baby girl, who skied at just 6 months 27 days old! Rob Absher took video of his son, Auburn, water skiing on a board at Falls Lake Sunday afternoon. Baby Auburn, donning a mini life jacket, held on to a special railing that his dad says he built from PVC piping.


“He’s got himself a death grip on that thing”, Absher told ABC News.

‘I’ve always dreamed of doing it even before he was born.

When Auburn was born eight weeks early on February 25, the couple decided that water-skiing was out of the question.

But when he began trying to stand on his own, they chose to start small by pulling him on his custom ski around the house – then in the backyard.

The couple recorded the 30-second 150-foot ride and Auburn appeared to enjoy the thrill until he let go and his mother caught him.

However Guinness World Records officials told Zyla’s family the organisation doesn’t track anything involving people younger than 16, according to AP. But they reconsidered a few weeks ago when Auburn tried to stand up on his own.


The record has not been confirmed.

Rob and Heather Absher of Falls Lake North Carolina say their six-month-old son Auburn is the youngest person ever to water ski