
George RR Martin’s Winds of Winter date ‘leaked’ by Amazon rumor

However, with the author himself acknowledging his weakness of meeting deadlines, fans should take the news with a grain of salt.


Last week, Martin’s followers were also sent into a frenzy after a thread on Reddit revealed that another ISBN of the missing book, “The Winds of Winter”, had been registered at the ISBN office.

He wrote on his blog: ‘Here I am, 20 years later… still working on book six… Thanks to an Amazon France placeholder page, a new release date has been sending fans into a frenzy.

Winter is Coming reminds elated book buyers that Amazon creates pages for forthcoming expected releases on a regular basis, even when no official announcement is made.

“We do not know when this item is back in stock or if it will be”. The poor man, plagued with worldwide fame and writer’s block following the success of the HBO series, has been slow to write even a few pages, as he’s documented on his blog.

Game of Thrones Book Just Leak? However, as they have veered off from each other in recent years, fans still don’t know how different Martin’s version of events will be from showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss.


A Storm of Swords was released in 2000, then in 2005 A Feast For Crows, with the most recent – A Dance with Dragons – hitting the shelves in 2011. The sixth book, “The Winds of Winter”, is apparently where much of season 7 of the series will be adapted from.

Winds of Winter to release on 9 March 2017? Amazon France sparks fans' hopes