
[Ticker] Juncker: China must allow steel monitoring

President Barack Obama said Monday “gaps in trust” between the US and Russian Federation are keeping the two countries from reaching a military agreement.


Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, the International Monetary Fund’s Christine Lagarde said, “There must be more growth and growth must be more inclusive”. Obama used an alternative exit, but quarrels broke out on the tarmac and at other venues over access by USA officials and the traveling press.

World leaders at the G20 have agreed to oppose trade protectionism to help lift flagging economic growth, but the launch of three ballistic missiles by North Korea was an explosive reminder of risks to global security. Around one third of the total investment would come from China.

Trudeau reiterated during the news conference his government’s goal to deepen business ties with China.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Sunday in Hangzhou that the ruling against Apple was clearly based on facts and existing rules and was not a decision aimed against the United States.

As the leader of rotating chair of the Group of 77 (G77), Prayuth’s attendance in the summit reflects developing countries’ support for China’s G20 presidency, Xi noted.

China hopes its status as this year’s G-20 leader will increase its influence in global economic management. An internationally-policed no-fly zone would be needed to protect the area from aerial bombardment.

Talking to journalists after the meeting of Sherpas, Panagariya said there were disagreements on ratifying the Paris Agreement by the end of 2016.

Obama made little ground in his talks with Xi on the territorial dispute and on human rights, and was reportedly snubbed by China on arrival after not being offered a red carpet while disembarking from his plane.

“We’re doing a bunch of stuff at home and we want to coordinate internationally”, Obama told reporters at a briefing at the close of the summit. “These were the stairs the United States requested”.

Before then, Obama hopes to leave U.S. relationships on a steady footing, though world events and uncooperative leaders could complicate matters.


President Barack Obama disembarks from Air Force One upon his arrival at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport on September 3, 2016 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province of China.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at an event