
Mississippi bumps up to 19 West Nile virus cases this year

Health officials say a dead crow in southern Wisconsin has tested positive for the West Nile virus. The county public health department says it’s the first bird found infected in the county since surveillance for the mosquito-transmitted virus began in May.


Five counties are hosts to the newest cases of West Nile virus (WNV) and Zika in Mississippi. Calhoun, Chickasaw, Grenada, Lee, Leflore, Lowndes, Marion, Perry and Rankin counties have each had one. But it takes weeks for reporting and verification of West Nile cases to make it through the system.

The department recommends removing standing water where mosquitoes could breed, avoiding areas with lots of mosquitoes, wearing long trousers and long-sleeved shirts outdoors and using mosquito repellent.

In 2016 the number of reported Zika cases statewide stands at 20.

Zika causes severe birth defects in developing fetus if the mother is infected while she is pregnant. The breed of mosquito that is spreading Zika in those areas, Aedes aegypti, has not been detected in MS since the early 1990s. The MSDH is now conducting surveillance for Aedes mosquito populations in the state.

There are also cases of Zika that were contracted around Miami. This is especially important for individuals with pregnant partners to reduce the risk of infection during pregnancy.


Use a mosquito repellent with an EPA-registered ingredient such as DEET while you are outdoors. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle ache, rash and fatigue.

Dead crow found with West Nile virus in southern Wisconsin