
Bernie Sanders is not impressed with your questions about Hillary Clinton’s hair

Sanders’ stop in Dubuque was highly anticipated, forcing organizers to move the venue to one with a larger capacity but still on the campus of Loras College. “He really is a presidential candidate for the people“. And Sunday provided another example.


As he spoke, the crowd – many wearing “Feel the Bern” pins – shouted: “Bernie!”

A BuzzFeed report out this weekend revealed Sanders’ campaign reached out to the protest group to set up a meeting and apologized that “it took our campaign so long” to do so – a note Sanders said “was sent out by a staffer, not by me…without my knowledge”, and he added he didn’t think it was necessary to apologize to the protesters. On the latter, he said, “it is not a radical idea”.

Officials said more than 2,000 people were in attendance. But Sunday’s crowd went far beyond that. There were cars in the parking lot with Illinois license plates, as well as a smattering from other states.

Seventy-one percent support a massive infrastructure spending program aimed at rebuilding our broken roads and bridges, and putting people back to work. But this year’s she’d like to.

“What I said is the corporate media talks about all kinds of issues except the most important issues”, Sanders told a group of reporters. I am running for president of the United States on serious issues, O.K.? Sanders has been a big draw in Iowa, where the caucuses happen later in the winter, where tens of thousands of supporters have attended rallies.

I’ve seen how Bernie does this, up close and personal. Indeed, his recent surge in the polls is evidence that people of disparate value systems can still have compatible values, and that voters who possess closely-held beliefs can still acknowledge the merits of a candidate like Sanders.

Still, the senator has improved his standing since getting into the race, and the size of his crowds across the country is turning heads.

Fifty-eight percent support breaking up the big banks.

“The August enthusiasm may or may not carry through to January”, he said.

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is holding his first Chicago event Monday night as the 73-year-old Democratic Socialist from Vermont raises money for his campaign. The campaign organized a conference call a few weeks ago for McKesson, Brittany Packnett and other activists to chat with Maya Harris, Clinton’s senior policy adviser. The protesters stormed the stage and Sanders relinquished the podium.

She said that Clinton had fought for women’s rights and equal pay, has a new plan for bringing down college costs and would put fight passionately for the working people. Exactly what they said about President Barack Obama at this parallel point in 2007.


Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley also is running for the party’s nomination, as are ex-Sen.

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