
FBI Notes Bring Renewed Focus on Clinton Emails

The FBI’s findings included thousands of emails identified as official correspondence by investigators that Clinton had not turned over to the State Department despite her assurances that the contents of her personal server had been meticulously combed for such material by her own legal team.


Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Tim Kaine speaks at Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center in Columbus, Ohio, July 31.

Bryan Pagliano, a Clinton aide who helped administer the server, was interviewed in the FBI’s investigation.

“Hillary Clinton, what’s evident from the notes, what’s evident from all of the revelations over the last several weeks, is that Hillary Clinton- operated in such a way to keep her e-mails, and particularly her interactions while Secretary of State with the Clinton Foundation, out of the public reach, out of public accountability”.

He took another swipe at “Crooked Hillary” and “new e-mail scandals” on Saturday via Twitter, while running mate Mike Pence told NBC News in an interview taped for Meet the Press that Clinton’s e-mail practices “disqualify her from serving as president”. Those were deleted by a Colorado technology firm overseeing her private computer in 2015. She also seemed repeatedly unable to recall information about her use of the private server.

Throughout her interview, the former US Secretary of State said: “I do not recall receiving any briefings related to sending classified emails”.

In addition to the eight devices she used as secretary of state, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said they sought at least five additional mobile devices as part of its inquiry. Blackberries that weren’t lost were destroyed by a staffer with a hammer. Clinton’s support has dropped steadily in the weekly tracking poll since August 25, eliminating what had been a eight-point lead for her.

The FBI documents – released under pressure of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits – assure that Clinton will be grappling with the issue of her e-mails as the presidential campaign enters the final stretch into the November 8 election.

She couldn’t give an example of how classification of a document was determined and said “she relied on career foreign service professionals to appropriately mark and handle classified information”.

Finally, on page 8 of the FBI’s report, when Clinton was asked why she disregarded the “C” annotation on classified documents, the Democratic presidential hopeful told investigators she thought it was some sort of “alphabetical ordering”. In another incident, Clinton wrote her aide Huma Abedin that she was anxious someone “was hacking into her email” because she received an email with a link to a pornographic website.

Clinton’s campaign said it was “pleased” with the report’s release. An all-points bulletin to State personnel sent under Mrs. Clinton’s name recommended against conducting State business over personal email “due to information security concerns”.

But Pelosi said that “too much is being made” of the story.


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Hillary Clinton gave her first presidential candidate televised national interview with CNN's Brianna Keilar on Tuesday