
Trump and Clinton neck and neck two months before election day

Clinton continued to edge out her GOP presidential rival with 48 percent to his 42 percent of the vote, according to a national NBC News/Survey Monkey poll released Tuesday.


A new CNN/ORC poll out Monday shows Trump polling at a 15-point deficit to Clinton’s support among women.

The topsy-turvy campaign for the presidency has seen both Clinton and Trump holding a significant lead at some point in the last two months, though Clinton has topped Trump more often than not.

Talking Points Memo’s PollTracker, an average of almost 50 different polls, has Clinton beating Trump by 2.2 points.

Clinton, however, continued to lead 44 to 41 percent among registered voters – a drop from her 45 to 37 percent lead in late-July, the poll found. “She doesn’t appear to be presidential because of the actions she’s undertaken”.

Another 16 per cent back Johnson and six per cent Stein.

Muir pressed Trump on whether he was “talking about aesthetics”. Thirty-five percent of voters view Clinton as honest and trustworthy, compared to Trump’s 50 percent.


The poll, which was conducted online from August 29 to September 4, surveyed more than 32,000 adults who claimed to be registered voters. For results among registered or likely voters, the margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. It included 886 registered voters and 786 likely voters.

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