
Protestors Greeted Brock Turner in Ohio With Some Scathing Messages

They chased and tackled him when he tried to flee, holding him on the ground until police arrived.


Turner was found guilty in March of three felony charges: assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person, penetration of an intoxicated person and penetration of an unconscious person.

Judge Aaron Persky’s decision to sentence Turner to six months in county jail rather than a prison term drew national outcry and protests of the judge, eventually spurring his request to transfer from criminal to civil court, set to take effect in September. Prosecutors had argued for six years.

Turner’s case exploded into the spotlight when a poignant statement from the victim swept through social media and critics decried the sentence as too lenient.

“I want to show people that one night of drinking can ruin two lives”, she wrote. “And I don’t want something like this to happen to her”.

Turner and the victim drank heavily at a fraternity party and left together in the early morning hours of January 18, 2015. “Anybody charged with and convicted of rape ought to do time in state prison”, she said.

Smith said jail guards gave Turner a big package of hate mail sent to him over the last three months and that Turner lived in protective custody in jail after receiving threats.

Victims’ advocates in Sacramento are urging Gov. Brown hasn’t said whether he will sign it. Brock Turner’s next stop will be his home state of Ohio.

Following backlash and a push for a recall, Mr Persky voluntarily removed himself from hearing criminal cases, starting next week.

But supporters of the recall campaign said that is not enough. “Any violation may land him back in front of a judge, where he then could face a stiff prison sentence”. He has launched a campaign website soliciting campaign donations to help retain his seat.

Turner, like almost all California jail inmates, was released after serving half his sentence. Turner plans to head to his native OH to live with his parents.

Within five days of his arrival in Ohio, Turner is required to be photographed for the county sex offender registry.

The agency is also studying hand sanitizers and wipes and has asked companies for data on three active ingredients – alcohol (ethanol or ethyl alcohol), isopropyl alcohol and benzalkonium chloride – before issuing a final rule on them.


Along with that, anyone living within 1,250 feet of Turner’s home will be notified with a postcard letting them know that a tier 3 sex offender lives in the community.

Senate president Kevin De Leon calls for the removal of Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky from the bench at a protest outside the Santa Clara County Jail in San Jose Calif. Friday Sept. 2 2016. Willingham and others calle