
Gov. Scott Walker Calls to End Birthright Citizenship

I said you need to enforce the law, which to me, is focusing on E-Verify”. Business Insider reported that the visit was marred by heckles from protestors with signs reading, “Scott Walker sniffs his own poop”.


“The left doesn’t want me to be your nominee”, said Walker. “I fell on her wheelchair”.

Mr. Walker’s health-care rollout is likely to raise the ire of Democrats and comes a day after he tried to stabilize his flagging campaign’s poll numbers by attacking congressional GOP leadership. “Where are they at?”

“We didn’t just take on a hundred thousand protestors, some of whom are here today”, Walker said. “If we didn’t do what we said we’d do, the voters would have every right to throw us out”.

Asked how he could unite the country when his mere presence is consistently cause for such divisiveness, Walker told CNN that is the price for achieving real reform.

Later in the evening, Hunt tweeted a statesman from a Walker campaign spokesperson saying, “We have to enforce the laws, keep people from coming here, enforce e-verify to stop the jobs magnet, and by addressing the root problems we will end the birthright citizenship problem”.

The regulations, announced August 4, generated immediate pushback from some states – including Wisconsin – many of which would bear the brunt of reductions as part of the administration’s efforts to combat global warming. In other words, the Wisconsin Supremes have provided moneyed interests with a formula whereby they can secretly dump money into a political campaign while laundering it of any formal association with said campaign.

One of the key moments in the 2012 campaign came when Mitt Romney got into a back-and-forth with a heckler about taxing corporations at the same venue of the Iowa State Fair.

Should the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling be allowed to stand-and should its perverse analysis be applied in other jurisdictions-corporations will be allowed to give an unlimited amount of unreported money to “independent” interest groups that advance a corporate agenda and coordinate directly with favored candidates-so long as these interest groups and their legal advisers are smart enough to avoid expressly directing people how to vote.


Romney’s reply that “Corporations are people” quickly became a meme during the race and ultimately fed into the Democratic narrative of 2012.

Scott Walker at Iowa State Fair