
Man chases person wearing clown mask into woods

Police say a person dressed as a clown disappeared into the woods after being chased by a man wielding a machete on Tuesday – the third incident involving a clown in as many days in the Greensboro, North Carolina area.


It’s unclear if the clown was male or female, Danielsen said. We’ll tell you. Clowns are reportedly now luring kids into the woods in two states.

Last week, we reported on a clown luring kids into the woods down in Greenville, S.C.

What could be scarier than clowns luring kids into the woods in one state? She says no children were involved in the incident. Police said an adult heard the man, but did not see him.

Police canvassed the area and did not find the clown. The clown was wearing a mask, a yellow dotted shirt, blue trousers and had red curly hair, police said.

Three other sightings were reported in North Carolina this week, with four sightings in SC the week before.

Danielsen said according to the call notes, the man chased after the clown with a machete.

About four hours later, a caller who refused to give a name reported seeing a clown about 2 miles away.


The police also said that the recent scares present an opportunity to talk with their children about how to avoid risky situations when dealing with strangers in public.

They're Coming For You: Clowns Luring Kids Into The Woods Now in North Carolina