
Most want criminal probe for Clinton emails

Here are some of the key questions about the email controversy.


Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, now in possession of the Justice Department, contains no data from her time as secretary of state.

The campaign did not say whether the server and the thumb drive had been handed over yet to the authorities.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said: “All this means is that Hillary Clinton, in the face of FBI scrutiny, has decided she has run out of options”.

In March, Mrs. Clinton said she and her lawyers made the decision over what would be considered work-related email when the state department asked for records from former secretaries of state. Some of the information was deemed to be classified by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s classification guidelines. The other two emails are still under review to determine how they should be classified.

The Clinton camp is now saying that those emails are not classified.

“I am confident that I never sent or received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received”, she said at an event in Iowa last month.

The 2016 Republican hopeful, one of several bashing the latest development in the email saga, said that Clinton is one email away from going to prison, adding that she should start taking advice from her pal Martha Stewart, who served time behind bars. Her attorney said in March that no emails from the main personal address she used while secretary of state are on the server or backup systems associated with it. She hopes that her emails will continue to be released in a timely fashion.

Clinton has compounded her original error with an overly controlling response to inquiries about what was contained in those messages.

While technical details about the hardware Clinton used are unknown, Siciliano said setting up a typical private server can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, making it a worthwhile expense for privacy-minded individuals. He had also balked at the idea of a third-party review of her server.

A new poll has her down in the critical early voting state of New Hampshire, and she’s not being helped by the revelations about the private email server she used when she was Secretary of State.

Clinton’s email arrangement was “regrettable”, said Steven Aftergood, director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists. The Intelligence Community is a collection of 17 U.S. government agencies that conduct intelligence activities.

Investigators fear that a number of hackers and foreign governments were able to access Clinton’s server and obtain highly classified information.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign, which has been wobbling all summer, went on the attack yesterday in a 700-word email to her supporters. All of these newspapers, however, did better than USA Today, which completely skipped Clinton’s scandal in the print edition. A recent CNN/ORC poll found that 58 percent of U.S. registered voters say it is extremely important that the next president be honest and trustworthy.

Clinton gives email thumb drives to FBI