
Number of Hillary Clinton Emails Containing Potentially Classified Information

Asked about former Gov. Jeb Bush’s remarks suggesting that the Obama administration was to blame for its timing on the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and the subsequent rise of the self-described Islamic State, Clinton said she found it “somewhat curious” that he is “doubling down on his brother’s actions in Iraq” because the 2011 deadline for the withdrawal of troops was negotiated during the Bush administration.


Other federal employees can tell Clinton all about how wayward emails played havoc with their career plans.

This is the opinion of Peter Donohue, who has been involved in the arts in Central Minnesota for more than 35 years.

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, wrote Kendall in late July to inquire about what precautions were taken to secure the thumb drive.

“We’ve got to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, $15 an hour”, he said. “One error”.

It’s easy to get lost in the weeds of the Hillary Clinton e-mail story. He’s defending an intelligence official in danger of losing the job that supports his family.

The FBI is investigating whether classified information was improperly sent via the server and stored there.

“If he loses his security clearance, that’s the end of his career…” “He’s facing severe repercussions without the agency even giving it a second thought – yet in her case, it seems like nobody wants to touch it”. “Explain the facts, but also the political context that they have to look at this through”.

And for Heidennreich, any kind of financial support could help so she can worry about other things. Those were turned over to the FBI last week as part of a counterintelligence investigation.

Smith concluded that Clinton originally never intended to allow her secretive email arrangement and her work-related emails to become public, the release said.

Mrs Clinton has insisted she did not break any rules, saying she used the private account as a matter of convenience and dismissing the saga as a partisan witch hunt.

Last month, the inspector general for the State Department warned that some of the information that passed through Clinton’s homebrew server was classified information produced by the U.S. intelligence community.

The controversy into public access to Mrs. Clinton’s emails and the potential mishandling of classified information has also begun to involve her top aides from the State Department.

Intelligence community officials involved in the review of Hillary Clinton’s emails have flagged 305 notes for further inspection, new court documents released Monday say. With polls already showing her facing deficits in trust and honesty, Clinton doesn’t need to give upstart Bernie Sanders any wider an opening.

Business Insider says that according the IT firm hired by Hillary Clinton to oversee her email servers, it’s “highly likely” that a backup file was made of the server where the emails were kept, including the emails that were later deleted.


It is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than a year to keep “documents or materials containing classified information…at an unauthorized location”.

Hillary Clinton pokes fun at email scandal during Wing Ding Dinner in Iowa