
LePage foes to hold rally seeking resignation

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LePage said last week, for example, that “the enemy” in ME is overwhelmingly people of color.

The pugnacious governor of ME, who has weathered storm after storm since rising to office on a Tea Party wave in 2010, hinted Tuesday that he may step down after unleashing a barrage of vulgar, threatening, and racially charged remarks.

Back in January LePage apologized for saying that out-of-state drug dealers come to ME to peddle heroin and impregnate “white girls”. Then he called in reporters from a local paper and said he wished it were 1825 so he could challenge Gattine to a duel.

Dill contends that LePage is something of a “variation of Donald Trump”, especially when it comes to his personality.

The Democratic leader in the Maine House is reaching out to mayors of two MA cities to disavow comments Maine’s governor made linking the communities to drug crimes.

Year-over-year, drug overdoses are up 40 percent in ME, most of which are linked to the heroin epidemic that continues to rock parts of the nation. “And I will tell you that 90-plus percent of those pictures in my book – and it’s a three-ringed binder – are black and Hispanic people from Waterbury, Connecticut; the Bronx; and Brooklyn”.

At a town hall meeting, LePage was asked about state fees.

McCabe is a Skowhegan resident and the Maine House’s majority leader.

Democrats condemned the threat and urged Republicans to get LePage “professional help”.

Those that want the Governor to resign are holding what they call a “Save our State” rally in Augusta’s Capitol Park tonight. And in 2011, LePage told the Maine NAACP to “kiss my butt”.

Paul LePage (R) raised the possibility that he will step down before his term is up in two years, as he faces increasing criticism from members of his own party.

Conservative Maine Governor Paul LePage’s extremely blunt and politically incorrect mouth has gotten him in trouble again. The legislator denies it.

“It’s possible it was a screw-up”, said Michael Franz, chairman of the government department at Maine’s Bowdoin College, referring to the radio interview. “What I’m going to do right now is I’m taking one step at a time”.

The Republican governor planned to hold the event in Westbrook on Wednesday evening, but the event has been canceled. LePage left the voicemail after being told that Gattine had called him a racist, something Gattine denies, although he did criticize LePage for using racially-loaded language when speaking about Maine’s heroin addiction and opioid abuse problems, which LePage attributes the proliferation of to out-of-state black and Latino men who come to ME to sell drugs.

“What I said to the television reporter today is that the kind of racially charged comments the governor made are not at all helpful in solving what the real problem is”, he said, referring to the heroin epidemic. “Thank you”, LePage said on Democratic state Rep.

LePage, however, doubled down in remarks Monday in Boston, where he attended a meeting of New England governors and Canadian premiers.

He says he’s going to meet with family and close advisers to decide what to do next. He said state House Republicans indicated they would like to “salvage what we can and move forward”, whereas state Senate Republicans are “making demands”.

LePage is aware that what he’s saying is considered racist, though he’s equally certain he’s not racist.


After leaving a controversial message on a state lawmaker’s phone, Maine Governor Paul LePage hints that he may resign from office.

Paul Le Page