
Kaine touts foreign policy background, hits Trump in Wilmington speech

“Putin looks at Hillary Clinton and he smiles”, Trump said of the Democratic presidential nominee.


In some of his strongest language yet concerning details that the FBI released of its investigation into Clinton’s handling of classified material, Trump told an enthusiastic crowd in Greenville, North Carolina, that the former secretary of state failed to “meet the minimum standard” for seeking and holding public office.

The possibility of Russian involvement in cyber intrusions that were revealed in July “raises some grave questions about potential Russian interference with our electoral process”, Clinton told reporters on her campaign plane as she flew to a rally in IL.

Political reporters have been complaining for months about the fact that Hillary Clinton has not held a press conference in nearly a year. “Because he clearly has something to hide”, Mrs Clinton said. “But we’re also seeing a very divisive candidate with Donald Trump”, said Henson.

Clinton’s campaign early on Tuesday attempted to pre-empt any move by Trump to distance himself from his past statements about veterans and foreign policy by organizing a news conference with military veterans before Trump’s event in Virginia and by releasing a new television advertisement featuring veterans and their families.

Trump, in a speech on Wednesday in Cleveland, is to lay out a military preparedness plan in which he will call for rescinding mandatory defence spending cuts and embarking on a major military buildup.

Trump has in recent weeks attempted to turn a corner by speaking and acting in a way that is more “presidential”. Hillary Clinton, Trump’s Democratic opponent, opposes the Assad regime.

Separately, the Clinton campaign has confirmed it will invest money to pay for more field staff to work out of Democratic Party offices already open in Georgia.

Donald Trump says the Mexican president violated some “ground rules” by admitting that the two did actually discuss payment of his proposed border wall between the two countries, but he adds, “that’s ok”.

“So much of this we can take care of”, Trump told them. “But we have to get back to building our country, because our country is going to hell”. “It is time to break with the bitter failures of the past and to embrace a new American future”. “Talking tough about Russian Federation then she turned around and sat down”.

At least two of her mobile devices were reported destroyed by a staff using a hammer and BleachBit software to wipe unwanted emails.

Georgia is a GOP-leaning state but polls suggest Republican nominee Donald Trump’s struggles among college-educated whites, particularly in the Atlanta suburbs, could make the state competitive for Clinton. [Photo by Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images] According to the Detroit Free Press, Trump recently visited black parishioners at a church and said he was there to listen. “Trump seems to support Russian interests at the expense of American ones”, he added. The brothers of Bill and Hillary Clinton signed deals to build housing after an natural disaster ravaged the island nation.

“Putin looks at her and he laughs”, Trump said.

The back-and-forth occurred as the focus of the U.S. battle for the White House shifted to national security, with both Clinton and Trump set to participate in a televised forum on Wednesday hosted by a veteran’s group.


“For the past eight years, America’s armed forces have been subjected to a series of ill-considered and debilitating budget cuts, policy choices and combat operations that have left the superb men and women in uniform less capable of performing their vital missions in the future than we require them to be”, the message states.

Clinton He's a national security danger. Trump No she