
Clinton: Trump ‘Did Choke’ on ‘Unfortunate’ Mexico Visit

“Every time I think about Trump I get allergic”, she squeezed out amid her hacking.


Donald Trump has made his promise that Mexico would pay to build a wall along the US border a centerpiece of his proposed immigration policy.

Hillary Clinton sat down with running mate Tim Kaine and ABC News for a fairly extensive interview, and the former secretary of state wasted little time in disparaging Donald Trump’s lone foray into foreign relations, saying that her rival’s brief trip to Mexico was “unfortunate”.

Sen. Kaine responded to comments from Donald Trump at a roundtable in Cleveland earlier Monday where the Republican nominee said, “and she looks presidential, fellas, okay”.

In the past, Trump’s campaign has said Clinton’s coughing fits make her unfit for the presidency – amid persistent rumors fueled by the far right that the 68-year-old is in bad health.

She said on Monday that Trump’s immigration speech in Arizona last week was one of his most “hate-filled, hard-line speech yet”.

Clinton described Donald Trump’s visit to Mexico as an “embarassing worldwide incident”.

Trump said at a joint news conference with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto that they did not discuss who would pay for the wall.

Trump has characterized Mexican immigrants to the rapists and drug dealers. When asked if she would accept Peña Nieto’s invitation, Clinton said “no”.

“I’m going to continue to focus on what we’re doing to create jobs here at home, what we’re doing to make sure Americans have the best possible opportunities in the future”, she said.

After the two met in Mexico last Wednesday, Trump told reporters they did not discuss his demand that Mexico pay the cost for construction of a wall on the border between the two countries.


“I know that that’s what has been alleged and never proven”.

Mexico's president tries to explain that disastrous Trump meeting