
New US sanctions not consistent with talks over cooperation

Peskov said Russian Federation will “proceed from the principle of reciprocity”. Obama urged Kerry and Lavrov to work together in the coming days to get aid to those in need. A ceasefire agreement between pro-Russian separatists and Kyiv government troops was signed in Minsk in February 2015, but many of its points have not yet been implemented and the ceasefire remains fragile. But given the gaps of trust that exist, that’s a tough negotiation.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Monday on Monday he that proposed a “no fly zone ” in Northern Syria to the United States and Russian Federation, the setting up of a no-fly zone in northern Syria, CNN Turk reports.

It follows equally unsuccessful talks between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Turkish-backed forces clashed with YPG fighters in the initial stages of the two-week old Turkish incursion into Syria, but have since shifted their focus onto territory held by Islamic State and captured a string of villages.

Russian media said that the auto was being driven by Putin’s favourite official driver, and that he was killed instantly, but that the President was not in the vehicle at the time. The official spoke anonymously to discuss a private conversation.

“You must be respectful”, Duterte said of Obama.

Putin insisted he believed a deal with Washington could be firmed up in the “coming days” but refused to give concrete details, saying that U.S. and Russian officials are still “working out some of our preliminary agreements”.

According to the Russian president, Moscow is ready to restore its relations with London and “go as far as they want to go, but we will not impose anything on them, it is not needed, we can not decide for them in what scale to restore relations”.

Obama “made clear to president Putin that sanctions will continue on Russian Federation if Minsk is not fully implemented”, the White House pool reported.

The official said Obama raised concerns about cybersecurity issues with Putin, but would not detail the discussions. The presidents appeared in congenial moods, with one photo showing Putin smiling broadly.

Obama has said he planned to raise the issue in his first meeting with Duterte, but the Philippine leader insisted he was only listening to his own country’s people.

On Sunday, cautious optimism prevailed that a deal could be struck between Washington and Moscow, long at odds over policy in Syria.

But the diplomatic efforts were unsuccessful, Obama said at a press conference on Monday.

The United States and Russia struggled Monday to keep alive negotiations to end the bloodshed between USA -backed rebels and Syria’s Russian-aligned regime. The campaign has spurred a humanitarian crisis and caused millions of Syrians to flee for Europe.

The Obama administration has sought to compartmentalize by arguing that military and other cooperation won’t be jeopardized even if it detests the current Philippine leader’s tone.

The talks culminated a several weeks of searching for a cease-fire between Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government and moderate rebels that would expand access for hundreds of thousands of civilians caught in the crossfire.

Obama notes at his news conference before leaving China that he will be the first USA president to visit the southeast Asian country.


Mr Obama said the aim was to reach “meaningful, serious, verifiable cessations of hostilities in Syria”.

Germany urges Russia to implement peace in Syria, Ukraine