
Clinton Blasts Trump for Commenting on Fed Policy

This poll, conducted between August 30 and September 1, comes the same day as a Washington Post-Survey Monkey poll of all 50 states showed Trump ahead by 7 percentage points in SC and 4 percent of voters undecided when presented with all four national candidates.


About 6-in-10 oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico, and most doubt that Mexico would ultimately pay for that wall, as Trump has suggested (74 percent say that’s unlikely).

“When asked why he would insult a Gold Star family, he suggested that his sacrifices are somehow comparable to theirs”, said Clinton, noting Trump’s comment that his “sacrifices” to the USA included creating jobs through his businesses. “Because it does”, said Clinton to a students-filled crowd at the University of South Florida Tuesday afternoon. Clinton had a significant advantage among African-American voters, earning 76 percent of their support, compared to Trump’s 14 percent.

The same polling also shows Clinton tied with Trump in Arizona and Georgia.

“I’m ready. I’m more than ready”, she said.

Trump, in a national-security focused Q-and-A with former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Michael Flynn, described the Iran-Iraq war in flippant terms, saying that the two countries would “fight fight fight”. The typically bombastic businessman listened attentively as the women, some of whom held babies on their laps, described their concerns about the quality of schools and finding jobs.

Kay pointed said the attention being paid to the CNN results showing Trump taking the lead may be chalked up to media bias.

On Tuesday morning, a group of 88 retired generals and admirals signed a letter backing Trump to reverse the “hollowing out” of the US military. Shame on you, Donald Trump.

“This is one of the most consequential elections we had in our lifetimes”, Clinton said.

She added that those same individuals view Trump as “a danger and a risk”.

In a rare news conference aboard her new campaign plane, Clinton said she is concerned about “credible reports about Russian government interference in our elections”. “Now, if you’re going to get into a feud with an ally, how about dealing with an adversary?”

“I think we’re up to 89, but who’s counting?” she quipped, noting how several Republican national security figures have openly endorsed her or oppose Trump. They are more apt than others to favor building a wall along the entire border with Mexico (54 percent compared with 41 percent overall) and deporting all immigrants living in the United States illegally (43 percent vs. 30 percent overall).

Obama got off his presidential plane from a secondary exit after arriving in China. “These are our fighters”, Trump said.

“I want voters in Iowa to know that I’ve always worked as hard as I could to deliver on the commitments that I’ve made”, Clinton said.


Donald Trump needs to flip blue states, but the 50 state map shows that the Republican nominee is such a weak candidate that he is making solidly Republican states competitive.

Clinton says Trump should quit demonizing the Fed